Chrome & Ice Show
Special 70th Corvette Anniversary Display
February 10, 11 & 12, 2023

Attention All Corvette Owners
and Corvette Reunion Participants
Save the Date February 10, 11 & 12, 2023
Chrome & Ice Show Special 70th Corvette Anniversary Display
We have been requested to put together a collection of Corvettes in the main blue arena center stage. We are putting a collection of 14 cars to be featured in this display. Our hope is to have 2 cars from each generation to be displayed.
It will be a historical event and the beginning of the 70th Anniversary of the Corvette for 2023.
There is NO COST to the selected cars to be in the show. Car owners will get a free pass to the show for the 3-day event, including some other goodies from the organizers of Chrome and Ice.
Cars that are selected must arrive on Thursday PM to be placed in the arena and must be removed Sunday Night after the conclusion of the show. Owners are to provide their own transportation to and from the show.
To enter your car in the show for this very special event, you need to provide your basic contact information and 1 photo of your car. Information needs to be in by January 15, 2023.
If you have questions, use the form below to contact
Gary Drago
Chairman Corvette Reunion
Chrome & Ice
Events & Activities
Friday-Sunday, February 10-12, 2023
Special 70th Corvette Anniversary Display
Saturday, August 19, 2023
14th Annual Corvette Reunion at Back to the Bricks